Katy is passionate about helping schools transform their libraries to be future-ready media centers. Katy loves building relevant and diverse book collections for schools to provide windows and mirrors for students. Katy coordinated the first MakerSpace in the Media Center at Robbinsdale Armstrong High School. Katy believes in the importance of providing an outlet for students to fuel engagement, creativity, and curiosity.
As a devoted literacy champion, Katy directed the summer reading program, Book Buddies, at Gatewood Elementary for six years. Katy is a blog content curator and regularly contributes to MackinCommunity.com authoring blog articles of thoughtfully curated content about newly published books. With a BA from Minnesota State University–Moorhead, Katy combines her professional communications experience and diverse educator background as she teams with teachers, librarians, and principals look to the future and create new libraries across the country. |
Building a Diverse Book Collection: Providing Windows, Mirrors, Sliding Glass Doors, and Beyond |
Some of the activities she led in the book group for "The Strange Case of Origami Yoda" by Tom Angleberger are: